Protocol Interaction Practical
Mints fTokens in the market of ID market_id to the caller. The amount depends on the current exchange rate and the underlying_amount specified. Returns:
#Ok: the total balance in underlying (fToken converted to underlying amount) the user has in the market.
#Err: Insufficient Balance, if the user does not have enough underlying in the protocol.
Converts fTokens in the market of ID market_id to the underlying asset, and stores it in the book. The amount depends on the current exchange rate and the amount specified. Returns:
#Ok: The current amount owned by the user, still in the market, as the underlying asset.
#Err: Unauthorized, if a user tries to redeem while using the fTokens as collateral for a borrow.
declare token as collateral
Locks the value the user has in the market of ID market_id as collateral for a borrow. This allows us to offer users the ability to borrow against certain assets instead of risking their entire portfolio.
NULL type
remove token as collateral
Removes the user balance of market_id to be used as collateral. Will fail if user has a borrow open.
NULL type
Note: If you have any amount of lent balance open for this borrow, you will not be able to borrow any additional amount.
Opens a borrow position in market_id of the size amount. Returns:
#Ok: The total borrow balance the user has in market of ID '_token'
Repays a borrow of the size underlying_token_amount in the market _token. Can partially repay an open borrow. Returns:
#Ok: Remaining borrow balance.
#Err: Insufficient Balance, if a user tries to repay with not enough book balance/borrow balance.
Liquidates _borrower and gives the collateral to the caller.
#Ok: Remaining fToke balance.
#Err: Insufficient Balance - Token Not Found - Principal Not Found (wrong borrower ID)
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